User Reviews
This movie was mediocre at best. I get that, because Disney movies from the 80s just weren’t that good (with a few exceptions). Most people weren’t watching them, but then Disney started to make good movies again (yay!) if u want more about this watch Waking Sleeping Beauty.
I didn’t like this film very much. I watched it during COVID. It’s by far better than anything made after Encanto. But I kinda found it boring. I might like it better now that I’ve read Sherlock homes, but some better 89s animation goes to Oliver and Company, The Fox and the Hound, The Rescuers, The Land Before Time, and The Little Mermaid.
superstar chloe
I really really really love the part when ratigan has Olivia in his hand.
They should bring this back as a Disney Plus series.
I remember watching this movie as a kid and being able to show it to my child now is nice.
I love this movie and the thrill of excitement that passes through me as I watch the funny parts of this movie and the genuineness in many of the characters. This movie is amazing and reminds me that Roy Disney was a big part of helping in the movie. The animators did great for this movie with every year that is passing it gets even older. The music is exciting and as a violinist, I hope to be in an orchestra one day. Everyone out in their part and ability to be a participant.
I came into this with no expectations. What I got was a great movie. I loved all the scenes, from Basil of Baker Street solving the mysteries to Professor Ratigan pulling villainous antics. Definitely recommend to anyone who hasn’t seen it.
This movie is great, and fun. I love this movie a lot. I love all of the characters in this movie. It is one of my favorite movies ever.
This movie will always have a special place in my heart. The story is wonderful, and the characters are adorable. When you watch, you will laugh, weep, and rejoice while the brilliant detective solves the sinister plot of the diabolical professor Rattigan. I absolutely recommend this to anybody who is anyone!
I remembered watching that movie a lot since I was little but for me a grown up now, I feel like it's not that great anymore.
I LOVE this film! It is my favorite Disney film of all time! I do like watching other Disney films but THIS has the most important impact on me as a fan of animation! It does have a few things I can't look at, mostly Fidget and Ratigan's red eye close ups, but I love everything else; Basil, Ratigan, Toby, the big ben climax, the list goes on! I enjoyed watching this a million times, and I will definetly be watching it a million times more!
I can buy the Blu-ray copy pretty much anywhere, but for some reason, iTunes doesn't have the HD version available. Considering 99.9% of movies I own were purchased in iTunes for my Apple TV, I'd like to see this offered in HD. Until then, no sale.
Overall, for the movie itself, 4 stars.
I absolutely adore this movie. It is definitely one of my favorites!
I love the great mouse detective :) and I love watching it as kid too
It is true that this movie doesn't deserve a G rating, but showing it to a small child probably won't do any harm. What I like the most about this film is that the main character and the antagonist play off each other so well. The climax is also quite exciting. This movie will always be one of my favorites.
I loved this movie as a kid! The first time i saw it was when my cousin loaned me her vhs copy...i still have it:) It's definitely worth seeing.
It seems that everyone loved this movie. I cannot understand why. We made it though half the movie. The story line is good, but Disney really need to remake these movies for modern times. If you took away smoking and drinking this movie would last about 2 minutes. This is no longer good for any children at any age. I really do not think we need to teach kids that smoking and drinking are good behaviors.
Other then that the movie is good. But i would never recommend this for children!
This is the only Disney movie where there's smoking, drinking, (drunkeness and actually drinks get spiked with a drug, making one of the mice act extremely high and out of character) a huge bar fight that shows gun use and violence with impromptu weapons such as broken alcohol bottles and chairs. And who can forget those strippers? Well,they were burlesque dancers but when you're 5 and watching this, they might as well be strippers. And yes they do shed clothes. All this is in like a 5 minute segment of the movie. But there's also a scene where alcohol is pink and pouring in fountains of glory...glasses are raised making this look appealing. I'd show this to my kids only so they can compare it to the pussified movies and shows they have to live with today.
(NOTE: I refer to characters by their first names, which may be confusing)
I first saw this movie in September 2009. I thought it was pretty cool. Lately, I'm watching this movie on repeat, calling the male characters by their first names. Professor Ratigan becomes Padraic; Dr. Dawson, David; and Mr. Flaversham, Hiram. I got a stuffed toy of Padraic last week. For some strange reason, I renamed the toy "Jason Kreis" in honor of a soccer player. David narrates. Hiram gets kidnapped. Padraic gets into a huge fight with Basil. Vincent Price does a good job voicing Padraic. The score by Henry Mancini is beautiful.
It has been many years since I have seen this movie. I remember liking it as a kid, though admittedly it was a bit scary but coming back and watching it as an adult, I am very surprised how dark and gritty this film is, especially for a children's film. I do not point this out as a bad thing, but merely an observation of how Disney can make a film kids enjoy while adults can enjoy it on a whole other level by the deeper themes in it. All in all, a great movie.
My favorite Sherlock Holmes-esque movie ever.
Third favorite Disney movie ever. number 2 being the hunchback of notre dame and my favorite Disney movie is the lion king.
Ps, iTunes put the lion king up now! I would buy it in a heartbeat, I bet lots of others would to
They just don't make Disney films like these anymore. A beautiful spin off of Sir Aurther Conan Doyle's masterpiece adventures of Sherlock Holmes, the Great Mouse Detective is a film that you can easily watch over and over again. Fun, musical, and with a good seasoning of humor, Basil of Baker Street will take you on an adventure you will never forget.
I was at first skeptical of this movie because of it being underrated, and I put the film in thinking it was going to be horrible along with it's preior "The Black Caldron". Luckaly I was 100% WRONG!!!! This movie is perfect to a T! It's drama, class, and few songs has captivated my imagination and helped me discover the original Sherlock Holmes books. It's not Aladdin, but to me The Great Mouse Detective is more of a dimond in the rough than that movie will ever hope to be!
A great classic contrast compared to the musical disney films of today!
Well, Goodbye So Soon, but until then... SMILE EVERYONE! XD
I watched this movie SOOO much when I was little. :D Great movie! Good plot and fun action for kids. I highly recommend it!
Thank you for putting this movie for sale. This was my favorite growing up and still my favorite as an adult.
Great family movie, with everyone in mind. Classic Sherlock Holmes tale with a Disney twist.
I loved this movie when I was little fav movie
OMG! This movie was like... my childhood. I'm soooo glad that iTunes has it. But $9? Really?
Loved this movie my whole life and my 20 year old sister only watches this when it comes to decided on a kid movie. It also gives off a great "Sherlock Holmes" vibe!!!
Preferrably my all time favourite movie, in any category. Heh, it nearly kicked Amadeus right off of the list! Just bought it off here a while back for my itouch. Mom wasn't too happy about it at first, but she warmed up to it. (: I'm almost 18 years old, but I still love this movie to pieces. Hell, I didn't even see it until my freshman year in highschool, and I didn't know much about it before then, either! It's a wonderful movie. It's synced good, and the quality is amazing. Buy it. I guarentee, you won't be disappointed.
This is one of my favorites from Disney. The story and characters are wonderfully designed and clever, unlike some stuff nowadays. Great flick, Id reccomend it to anyone of any age
This is a movie that was very loved in my family! I would watch it again and again
This movie seriously takes me back to 90's when i was a kid. You wont regret buying this. I was actually surprised they had this movie on iTunes. Worth buying.
I love this movie as a kid and I still love it now it is one of the best disney animated films. Thank you itunes for choseing one of these as option.
Easly in the top 3 best movies MADD by disney!! I grew up on this movie!
This film is pure fun for the whole family! My sister loves it! Its a great twist on Sherlock Holmes, and just entertaining! My favorite character is Basil, who has you wondering at some points about his mental condition... But he's just to funny!
If you haven't seen this movie yet you need to! Its to bad that Disney doesn't promote this movie more.
Wow. I loved this movie growing up and just strolling through movies i couldn't imagine bumping into this one. such a classic, it really was amazing. this and The Fox and the Hound are such great disney movies that most have not seen. this was back in the good old days before the crap disney puts out now. click yes if you agree
Cool movie but really old and super british
I used to watch this movie over and over when I was young.
It's part of the reason that I love mysteries so much today!
I'm glad that a clasic like this can be found on iTunes.
And the fact that it's in widescreen is an added bonus! I never got to see it in theaters, or I was just to young to remember.
This move is my all-time FAVORITE movie. Everything about it is just perfect. It is an amazing movie that i still enjoy at the age of 16. The characters are so wonderfully developed, and the plot is filled with mystery, comedy, and amazing lessons we all can learn from.
Growing up, I would watch this over and over again, but when I watched this for the, like, one billionth time, I was still totally amazed and shocked by the storyline! A timeless classic that will never grow old!
Basil is the best actor in this movie. i would give him a biggggggg kiss if i could!!!!!!!!!!! everyone else s-e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L-O-V-E !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!
The older, classic disney movies are absolutly fabulose.! they capture your imagaination better than any other movie makers out there. this is such an awesome movie. DEFFINENTALLY buy it
This was definately one of my all time favorite movies when I was just a kid. I love this movie, and I am so happy that it's on iTunes!!! I definately recomend this to anyone with kids or is a kid at heart.
Wonderful movie, a true Disney classic that sadly seems overlooked. Basil is a great and well-developed character and Olivia is adorable.
It's too bad Disney doesn't make movies like this anymore. If only Ratatouille had been this good...
This is a great Disney movie that as previously stated is highly underrated. I love watching this with my kids and they enjoy the movie all the way through. If you are a fan of Disney Animated films, you should have this one in your collection.
one of my favorite movies of all time, along with The Lion King, Aristocats, and Anastasia.
Why is it underappreciated?! Its such a good movie. I bought it right away when I found it here. Its my fav Disney movie
This commonly overlooked gem is and always will be among the best of the Disney classics in my heart. I've seen it over and over, more than five times, and I still love it as much as I did when I was six. I guarantee that you'll fall in love with clever, dashing Basil, charming little Olivia, bumbling, good-natured Dawson, and the delighfully villainous Ratigan faster than you can say Bob's your uncle! Buy this film - it's worth every cent (surprisingly cheap, really).
Vivian of the Shadows
Ever had a detective that was smart but wasn't so good in the long run? Well, that is who Basil Of Baker Street is. A plot by a evil (dare I say) Rat is hatched. Who is better to solve it than Basil? He IS the Sherlock Holmes of the mouse world! This is a Grade-A G rated mystery that is astounding! It is worth every penny! Buy It and you won't regret it!