The death-defying comedy genius of Rob Dyrdek reaches unprecedented levels of inspiration and laughter in the fifth season of Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory, along with familiar faces Chris "Drama" Pfaff, Christopher "Big Black" Boykin, Scott "The Big Cat" Pfaff, Chanel West Coast, and his Ridiculousness co-host Sterling "Steelo" Brim. Dyrdek shocks the world in the Season 5 premier when he dubs himself “Supersonic Rob” and attempts a car stunt achieved by few men in daredevil history: The Corkscrew Flip -- a literal 360 degree “kickflip” car jump. Rob’s other adventures include: inviting Johnny Knoxville and Chris Pontius (Jackass) to train Drama in the fine art of getting “mowed down” by an angry bull, becoming an ordained minister in order to marry his sister to her boyfriend, and creating Dyrdek Day -- an official Los Angeles City-certified holiday celebrating kindness, hugs, and random charity toward everyone. Rob also reinvents his pop icon alter-ego Bobby Light as an overweight superstar named “Blobby” Light, emerging from retirement to record a new single with Big Black and company titled, Chunky as Charged -- a celebration of all big people. The adventure never seems to end for Rob and the Fantasy Factory cast. Season 5 proves that for every Fantasy, there is a hilarious episode of television behind it.
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